Sunday, October 24, 2010

Don't Bother Reading This

I don't really see the point. There is something really strange to me about sharing your most intimate thoughts with complete strangers, then again, sometimes it is easier than sharing it with friends. I have been lucky enough to make my living at something I really love doing, but just like everyone else, I have complaints about it as well. Who cares.

Really, why bother.

No one needs another blog on this internets thing. Everyone thinks that they have something important to say. Well, they don't. And truthfully, I don't either, but it's nice every once and a while to get stuff off your chest, at more than 140 characters at a time. We don't write letters anymore, people don't want to see anything that is more than a paragraph long. I'm not going to promote this thing, and maybe I'll remember to update it every once in a while.